Pudina or Mint for beauty & health

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Mint or Pudina is used in curries for good flavour. It has medicinal and beauty values also. It is made as chutney and is had as a side dish with rice biryani snacks and other things. The Mint chutney is popular worldwide.

1. Take some mint leaves and grind them with Tomatoes and the paste has to be applied below the eyes and washed with cool water. The dark circles under your eyes will vanish after a few days.
2. Pudina leaves and Potatoe paste together has to grinded and the paste should be applied around the eyes. It gives a soothing effect and develops the sparkle in your eyes.
3. Pudina leaves paste, mixed with Besan Ata and turmeric will enhance the beauty and glow of your skin.

Image result for Pudina or Mint for beauty & health
4. Pudina paste with rose water is also good for the skin around your eyes. It also helps in removing dark circles.
5. Apart from beauty Pudina or mint helps in stopping cough and cold taken in the form of chutney with some green mirchi.
6. It is used in several Ayurvedic medicines to prevent a cough and cold.
7. It is mixed with several juices to get the mint flavour.
8. Mint is extensively used in winter season.

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