PSR shunted away

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PSR Aanjaneylu the popular and controversial police officer who was the Intelligence chief for Jagan was shunted away from the gate of Chandrababu this morning in Undavalli.

PSR was the chief architect behind the ruling of Jagan ever since the YSRC Government was formed. He was in Delhi before joining the Jagan team.

Before that, he was in Vijayawada and shunted to Delhi for controversial behaviour. PSR went out of the way to punish the TDP leaders. PSR was shifted for irregularities in the election duty.

PSR came in a black Scorpio to Babus house in Undavalli, but he was stopped by the police at the main entrance and was not allowed. PSR was reporting to the DGP office during the elections.

PSR name is noted in the red book they say. Similarly, several other IPS and IAS officers were shunted away by the staff here at the CM elect house.

Chandrababu is not ready to pardon the officers who made mistakes in the Jagan regime. There is no other way but to face the music. Right now Babu is making a list of the Ministers for AP.

He is going to change the police chief and also the CS. There will be a new intelligence chief also.

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