Prudhvi calls Jagan party a terrorist camp

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Actor Prudhvi who is popular as thirty years of the industry described the YSRC party as a terror camp and said that he was forced to hit the opponents below the belt.

Talking about the YS Jagan regime Prudhvi explained that a tractor driver used around five hundred rupees for his drink in TDP regime, and gave two thousand rupees to the family.

Now under Jagan, all the money is going for the purchase of liquor leaving family members high and dry he stated. Saying that he has apologised to the family members of the mega family, now he wants to meet Chandrababu and seek his pardon.

Prudhvi said that people fooled him by promising big posts like MP and MLA and was forced to talk against the TDP and Jana Sena. Now he is a changed man and wants to stay on the ground.

Prudhvi said that he was trapped by the TTD employee and sent out. He questioned the Minister who called up a lady earlier for sexual favour and no action was taken for that.

Prudhvi opined that no board member of the TTD was honest.

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