President visit

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Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari held a meeting with the officials and reviewed the arrangements to be made in connection with the visit of the Honourable President of India to the state on the 28 th of this month. She informed that during her one day visit to the state, the Honourable President will attend the convocation of NALSAR university of Law in the morning. Later in the evening the President will inaugurate the Bharathiya Kala Mahotsav at the Rashtrapati Nilayam.

Chief Secretary directed the officials to make all arrangements in a befitting manner well in advance while ensuring that there is absolute coordination between the line departments.

The police department was asked to make adequate security arrangements, law and order, traffic and bandobast arrangements as per the blue book. Similarly, adequate fire fighting arrangements should be positioned at the airport, Rashtrapati Nilayam and all the venues.

The health department officials were asked to make available the services of lady Doctor along with ancillary staff and make necessary medical arrangements as per the requirements of the office of the Honourable President of India. Likewise, the R&B department was told to undertake the repair of roads including the contingency routes to be used by the convoy of the Honourable President of India in coordination with the officials of cantonment board and GHMC. The forest department was directed to depute snake catchers at Rashtrapati Nilayam as well as special teams to deal with monkey menace and Bee-hives in and around Rashtrapati Nilayam in coordination with GHMC. Energy department was instructed to ensure uninterrupted power supply at all places of the visit.

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