Pop singer Madonna turns 60

Pop singer Madonna
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The sexiest pop singer who is still popular is turning 60 years old. To be live and kicking at the age of 60 is not easy. You can say Madonna at sexty.

She had a lot of controversies with sexcapades and still grabs the eyeballs and limelight in the world of entertainment.

Madonna the pop diva is known for dating men younger than her and is not bothered about what people think. She is unapologetic. She has that attitude and never compromises. She should have her way the way she thinks, that is the attitude she developed over the years and at 60 she still hungry to grab the headlines.

Pop singer Madonna

MTV and Madonna entered the entertainment arena at the same time and they are alive kicking and in fact growing by the day. There are many stars who have faded out over the years. But Madonna is one performer and star who has never faded out and is still relevant in the industry.

As an ageing star, she is still loved by the people and is rearing to go. It is reported that she would be spending her 60th birthday with her son who is training as a football player.

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