Police praise KCR-KTR

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Telangana State Cyber Security Bureau Shri Director Shri Stephen Raveendra, IPS., Said.. Hyderabad is a magnificent city where history entwines with modernity, and where today, we stand united against the challenges of the cyber age.

Today, in the spirit of collaboration, and with JCCT, it evolves into something even greater.” He added.

Cyber Crimes and threats, as we know, dont recognize state boundaries or jurisdictions. They are fluid, fast, and ferocious. As the Honorable Prime Minister said, when the forces of good cooperate, forces of crime can’t operate. JCCTs are the bedrock of our collective and multi jurisdictional fight against cyber crimes also bringing all relevant stakeholders onto one platform.

Our deep sense of gratitude to Sundari Nanda madam for layingthe strong foundational basis for all stakeholders to work which wouldn’t have been possible for the states alone and many thanks to CEO, I4C Rajesh for enabling this event. When we come together, with a unified approach, share our expertise, best practices, resources, intelligence and align our strategies, we become the formidable shield against cyber crimes and criminals.

This event comes at such an important time when 2 unique organizations on cyber crimes have been institutionalized in Telangana under thethe visionary leadership of CM Shri Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Gaaru, and with active collaboration with I4C, MHA.

While an apex body, with a mandate of both cyber crimes and cyber security, called the Telangana State Cyber Security Bureau with HQ here and auxiliary units in every district dedicated for cyber crimes. On the other hand, Telangana State Police CoE for Cyber Safety (TSPCC) is a unique and first-of-its-kind public private partnership initiative launched by Honorable Minister for IT, KTR Gaaru last year, closely working with MNCs and Startups, academia, banking institutions, regulators and other stakeholders and have brought out paradigm shift in cyber crime outlook, be it Crime Handles instead of MOs, SOPs, Proactive Hunting team, indigenously built CrimeOS tool and Cycaps Policy Interventions Group, visibility and transparency in cyber crime reporting and investigations thanks to our DGP Anjani Kumar sir for his unrelenting focus on cyber crime and unwavering support for these institutions. Our approach is clear.

As we progress in the process of institution building for a coordinated fight against cyber crimes. We are open to work with each and every one of you, industry and every relevant stakeholder in this journey.

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