PM Modi may go for Yoga with the Police

PM Modi may go for Yoga with the Police
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PM will be spending his morning in Hyderabad at Police Academy. He would take his routine exercise session here . He might join the police routine at the academy and it could be with the police trainees and higher ups might join him.

Ahead of a possible yoga session with the Prime Minister, the country’s top police officers are trying to get in shape – but not very hard.There is chance that the PM Modi who will be staying overnight at police academy on 25th will get up in morning on 26th for a yoga session with the top police who would be in routine on that day.

The police feel that the PM might take them by surprise in the morning with some exercises and it could be Yoga.

PM Modi may go for Yoga with the Police

This week, when they gather at a conference in Hyderabad, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the Director General of Police of each state and senior paramilitary officers.

What is not clear is whether, like last year, PM Modi will lead an early morning yoga class at the three-day session. At that time, the group practised the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salute) and Chakra Asana (The Wheel pose). This year, it’s the utterly undemanding savanasa and bal asana (corpse and child poses) that are being flexed.

PM Modi may go for Yoga with the Police

The calculation is that the PM may be too short on time for the yoga session listed for November 26 at 6 am.

“I do savasana best,” joked a top officer referring to the pose that requires nothing more than lying on one’s back with arms and legs spread out. Another senior police officer, also speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that yoga sessions should relax participants, not stress them out by worrying whether they are flexible or fit enough for a class with the PM.

Kutch: Prime Minister Narendra Modi performs yoga during a  yoga session along with over 200 top police officers at  a  annual conference in Rann of Kutch ,Gujarat on Saturday. PTI Photo(PTI12_19_2015_000293B)

“Breathing exercises like Anulom Vilom or Kapalbhati should be done in meets like this,” he said plaintively.What ever you say the police at the Academy are on high alert as the PM could take them by surprise in the name of preparedness.

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