Please cook at home –Avoid outside food -eat together

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This is rainy season we have to be very careful about the food that we are eating. It is better to take hot food cooked at home and avoid ordering food from outside eateries.
Avoid street food to the extent possible.

The kitchen has gradually been ignored and the food is ordered most of the time. Earlier if the elderly people at Home, took care of the small children, it is now left to daycare Centres. Family responsibilities and their relevance, have been gradually destroyed.

Gradually cooking at Home, is getting completely stopped.The habit of ordering food from outside had led to a reduction in family get-togethers.

Cooking with love, means connecting all the members of the family with bonding and affection. Culinary Art is not just cooking alone. The focal point, is the culture of bonding of the Family.

Elderly members of Family who had lived together, are now living in Old-Age Homes.
Mental and physical health gradually deteriorate, when families are broken. Meet friends and spend time with them in the form of get-togethers and eating together.
Eating Junk Food from outside, leads to gaining Body Fat and other lifestyle diseases like Diabetes and Hypertension, besides unnecessary spending.

Physical health and mental health, are equally essential to the country’s economy.That’s why

elders in our house, advised us to reduce avoid eating outside food.

Ordering and eating Food Online from Swiggy, Zomato, Uber eats, is now becoming fashionable amongst the highly-educated, Middle-class people and this is not right.

This habit will be a long-term disaster. So cook at home, eat together and live together as a family. Apart from food, it has love and affection embedded.

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