Pepper & Ginger for Knee pain

Pepper & Ginger for Knee pain
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Red and black pepper contains capsaicin which is effective as a pain reliever. Capsaicin is natural analgesic that produces a warm sensation in the body and reduces pain in the affected area. It is especially effective in treating arthritis pain.

To use the remedy, mix half cup of warm olive oil with two tablespoons of pepper powder. Apply this paste on the knee twice daily for at least a week.

Alternatively, mix the pepper with apple cider vinegar and after soaking a clean washcloth in this solution, apply it on the aching area for about 20 minutes daily.

Pepper & Ginger for Knee pain

Whether your knee pain is due to arthritis or muscle strain or an injury, ginger is an effective remedy to get rid of the pain. This is because ginger has anti-inflammatory compounds in it like gingerols, shogaols and parasols.

This herbal medicine can reduce swelling on the knee as well as combat the pain. Various studies with patients of arthritis found that ginger helped to reduce pain when used in combination with a prescription treatment for arthritis.

To make use of this remedy, crush some ginger root and boil it with water for 10 minutes. Strain and add a little honey and lemon juice. Drink two to three cups of this ginger tea daily until the pain is gone.

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