People will trounce TDP-Cong alliance

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The TDP is moving closer to the Congress which is very unethical KTR the IT Minister said. This is an unholy alliance he opined. The people will trounce them he stated. The elections are coming, be careful he said.

KTR said that generally ruling party wont leave power. But KCR has just stepped down 8 months in advance he reminded. There is no proper opposition he opined.

Now KCR has decided to go to the people’s court so that they will teach a lesson to the Congress he stated. Nizamabad was always with the TRS he reminded. He urged all of them to vote for TRS.

In Hyderabad even in Uppal we are winning he exuded confidence.


KCR is having fever and cough said KTR. KTR the minister was speaking at the meeting where Suresh Reddy joined the TRS here at the TRS Bhavan. It was Suresh Reddy who stopped KCR from coming to the meeting as KCR was having a fever.

He questioned if the people want Congress which sucked the blood of people or if they want KCR who is the Rythu Bandhu. The Congress never gave power, but KCR is doing everything for the farmer he explained. Last 65 years the Congress did nothing for the people and farmers he reminded. I am happy that the Congress and TDP are getting ready for committing suicide in the elections he said.

The people have got an opportunity to trounce them he explained. Do you want the Delhi rule or the Galli rule he asked? Irrigation and water is the favourite subject for KCR he said. The SRSP was revitalised by KCR he reminded.

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