People are happy with property tax reduction

cm kcr
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The people of Telangana are happy with the reduction in property tax by fifty percent. Minister for Municipal Administration KT Rama Rao on the eve of Diwali announced domestic house owners who are paying Tax above Rs 15000 and also Rs 10000 will get a subsidy of 50 percent for this year that is 2020 and 2021.

If the owners have already paid the tax they will get the reduction adjusted for the tax in next year. This is a big boon to the people as they are reeling under financial crisis due to Corona.

It may be recalled that there was no property tax for one year just after the Municipal elections. Now just before the Municipal elections, the property tax has been reduced to the houses.

This will definitely get converted for the TRS in the coming GHMC elections. KTR also announced that the people who did not get the Rs 10000 can apply through Mee Seva and get the same.

Now the genuine flood effected houses will get the relief. The Municipal sanitation workers are also happy that the salaries have been hiked by Rs 3000. This is the third time the salaries for them are getting increased under the KCR regime.

They are doing Milk Abhishekam to the photos of KCR at several places. This is a great relief to the small house owners and they have never expected that the tax would be reduced by 50 percent.

In the same fashion, KCR should also think about the hiked bills served to the citizens during the Corona time. The amount should be reimbursed some residents demanded.

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