Pawan drops Trivikram

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The proposed movie of Pawan Kalyan with Trivikram Srinivas is not happening for the time being it is reported. Pawan Kalyan the Jana Sena Chief who is close to the dire tor Trivikram Srinivas was supposed to do a remake of a hit called Vinodaya Sitham.

The director is Samuthirakhani the popular villain. But right now Pawan has signed a movie with Surendra and also Sjeeth. First the two films have to be done and by that time elections would be in.

We do not know if Pawan would be able to do the present movies and the other movies will be after the elections only. And what if the polls are held in advance is another issue.

So movies with Pawan Kalyan is not easy these days. He is directly in touch with PM Modi and that makes all the difference. Pawan now has to take that extra mile to complete the movies.

The producers and directors are worried about the movies and if they would be able to complete them.

Right now Hari Hara Veera Mallu is going at a fast pace and they will be able to release it by summer it is reported.

But these days Pawan is in an aggressive mood and taking on the YSRC in Andhra. He is in dilemma about the relationship with TDP and Chandrababu.

His idea was to unite the opposition against the YSRC, but Modi said no to Babu. That makes all the difference to the Jana Sena.

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