Jana Sena leader Pawan Kalyan today charged that central Minister Venkaiah Naidu has no interest in giving special status to Andhra Pradesh. He reminded that the central Minister earlier promised for special status to Andhra and now says that it is no sajeevani. If the Minister can concentrate or give some time to State it would have happened he said. Venkaiah is busy with Swarnabharathi his own trust Pawan charged.
He also found fault with the CM Chandrababu for giving he Polavaram contract to Rayapati Sambasaiva rao. He charged that there were lot of allegations against Rayapati and his company and on the construction of Polavaram project. He wanted an enquiry committee or ombudsman on the ongoing projects in the state. He said that the state Government should come clean over the execution on various projects in the state of AP.
He also found fault with another Central minister Sujana Chowdhary for taking the Jallikattu agitation very lite. Sujana talked about the Pig fight and also cock fight while talking about Jallikattu. Pawan warned that Suajana has no right to talk about others like that. He said that the youth will teach them a lesson soon. It looked as if Pawan is against the BJP but is still in talking terms with the TDP.