Passive Fb scrolling is bad

Passive Fb scrolling is bad
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Facebook admitted that passively scrolling through social media posts can make people feel worse, the social network’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg has said that not all interactions on its platform are good for you.

Passive Fb scrolling is bad

Sandberg said Facebook decided to change the News Feed to favour more “meaningful” connections, after taking into consideration research showing that some kinds of usage of social networks may have negative effects, reported.

“What the data shows is not all interactions in social media are equally good for people in terms of their psychological well-being,” Sandberg was quoted as saying at Morgan Stanley’s 2018 Technology, Media and Telecom Conference here.

Citing scientific research on well-being and social media, Facebook in December 2017 highlighted the two sides of using social media — the good and the bad.

Passive Fb scrolling is bad

“According to the research, it really comes down to how you use the technology,” Facebook said in a blog post.

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