Paneer is protein -just grab it

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“Cottage cheese is a dense source of protein”. She says, “It depends upon the kind of milk from which the paneer is churned. If it is from full cream milk, it is high in fat too, in addition to being a protein dense food.

Other than iron, almost all essential minerals like calcium and magnesium are present in cottage cheese.”

100 grams of cottage cheese contains 11 gm of protein, according to USDA. Cow’s milk contains the highest amount of casein protein among various kinds of milk.

Paneer is protein -just grab it

Therefore cottage cheese derived out of cow’s milk is one rich source of protein you can load up on.

Another highlight of cottage cheese is that it does not require any cooking and can be consumed directly. A cube of raw paneer, therefore, makes for a powerhouse of protein.

Cottage cheese is one of the best sources of calcium. Experts say that cottage cheese can fulfil 8% of the daily recommended value. 100 grams of cottage cheese has a whopping 83 grams of protein! Adequate calcium levels ensure healthy bones teeth, healthy heart muscles and smooth nerve functioning too.

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