Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi asked the officials to take up the Mir Alam tank rejuvenation works immediately. He along with the Principal Secretary Municipal Administration Arvind Kumar and GHMC commissioner Dana Kishore inspected various development projects in Charminar Zone today.Asaduddin Owaisi said that Rs 40 crores have been sanctioned for Mir Alam tank and as such works should be grounded at the earliest. Diversion of sewerage water, tank repairs and horticulture works which have been left incomplete should be taken up soon, Owaisi said.
Mr Arvind Kumar directed the officials to remove encroachments on the mir alam tank national highway. The proposed flyover near Aramgarh zoo park, to be built at a cost of Rs 636 crores, would reduce traffic congestion to a great extent, the MP observed. GHMC officials informed that the flyover construction works will be taken up in May 2019 after taking up national highway extension works and will be completed in a year. Works on the Bahadurpura flyover have been grounded with an estimated cost of Rs 132 crores.
Some properties have to be acquired for this project, officials said. On the request of the MP to take up Mylardevulapalli inner ring road extension works, the GHMC commissioner asked the officials to prepare road development plan at the earliest. It was decided to tap world bank funds for the skyway from puranapul to moosarambagh. Modernisation of Ziaguda slaughterhouse will be taken up soon. Additional Commissioner Hari Chandana, Chief Engineers Ziauddin, Sridhar and Suresh, Zonal commissioners Srinivas Reddy along with other senior officials were present.