Only one VIP break darshan at TTD

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The TTD chief has taken a decision that there will be no LI,L2 and L3 darshans hereafter at the TTD. The pilgrims will have just one darshan in the name of the VIP darshan and the rest will be regular darshan. With this, the regular pilgrims will be getting one more hour for the Lords darshan. earlier since last 7 years, L1-L2 and L 3 people were given darshan one after the other and it used to take about 3 hours/. Now the time can be reduced to two hours if all of the VIPs are let inside and at the same time.

There may not be any harathi for these VIPs in the Temple. They are allowed close to the diety. It has been decided that the system followed in 2012 will be again implemented from 17nth onwards. No grading of the VIPs and all are treated alike.

On the other hand, a lady pilgrim was today attacked by a bear it is reported at the Gogarbhamdam in Tirumala. The lady was treated in the local hospital. She was injured by the bear on the hand and leg. The lady was attacked when she was bathing at the Gogarbham dam.

The special officer Dharma Reddy visited the lady pilgrim and enquired her about the attack and the treatment that she was getting.

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