NTR sidelined?

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Yes Junior NTR the grandson of senior NTR has been sidelined by the present TDP leaders. NTR junior who was busy with movies did not bother about the plight of the TDP when it was in trouble.

It was Lokesh who really fought and brought back the party to its original glory under the leadership of his father Nara Chandrababu Nadu. NTR did not bother to visit Babu in Jail or condemned the attitude of the YSRC and Jagan.

Now there is talk that he is going against the leadership of the TDP. We do not know how far is correct or authentic. Some of his well-wishers say that NTR has been neutral and will continue the same.

The other day for the NTR Jayanthi he was at the ghat near Tankbund and fans shouted slogans calling him the future CM. Now that Pawan Kalyan is working with the TDP, there is no need of NTR to the party as such.

The reality is that NTR could not garner enough votes for the success of the TDP earlier. This time he did not show any interest in politics.

But people say that he could not oppose the regime of YSRC.

They say he will be in politics, but it will take some more time. Right now there is no one to bother about the presence of NTR in the TDP. Lokesh said that NTR would join them at an appropriate time.

But this is not going to happen in the near future. For the time being NTR is working for War and Devara to be followed by the movie of Prashant Neel.

His house is in trouble and was cheated by the seller. The matter is in the court.

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