NTR is a brand for politics

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CM Revanth Reddy said that Kammas are like Ammas. They help people like mothers do he compliment. He was speaking here at the Global Federation of Kammas here in Hyderabad.

If there is fertile land waters, there will be Kammas present he stated. Kammas will always help others for the prosperity he remarked. I have good relationship with Kammas he said.

I learnt the art of Speech from the NTR Library stated the CM Revanth. We cannot forget the people who supported us he said. NTR the senior is a brand for politics and leadership he stated.

AP in general and the Telugu people thrived due to NTR he opined. NTR gave opportunity to all and it depends on how they utilised it he stated. He also named Venkaiah Naidu in politics.

He reminded that NTR politics paved the way for the federal system and leadership against the Congress party. NTR created the national front, United front and also NDA he stated.

Kammas must come forward to develop Hyderabad into a global city he suggested. Kamma brothers will get all the support and they must participate in the development he said.

Kammas must respect all other castes he suggested.

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