Now funeral service

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The times have come where you can completely forget about the funeral service of your elders. One can conveniently forget the responsibility.

A company has been formed which will carry out the final rites. ₹37,500 as fees for membership,
pandit / hairdresser,makeup shoulder to shoulder assistance, So on and so forth.

Those who walk together, those who say ‘Ram nam Satya hai’ in procession all included in the package.

The ashes would get immersed in whichever river the dead man earlier desired.

Try to understand the New Start Up, which has earned 50 lakh profit so far.Its turnover is expected to be 500 crores in the coming time. This is the New culture in India.

Because the company knows that neither son nor brother has time to maintain relations in India.

5000 funerals have been done so far the company says. It has setup a stall in Pragathi maidan to book for the future funeral of your near and dear.

It is like putting your elders in old age home and then sending them to the grave. After that his funeral service will take care of the things.

Paisa me paramatma hai. Jai funeral service.

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