Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao made it abundantly clear and emphasised that, the Rythu Bandhu Investment support scheme for agriculture is meant to provide investment for crops to the farmers but not at all meant for tenant farmers. He said that, this is ‘Rythu Bandhu Scheme’ and certainly not ‘Tenant Rythu Bandhu’ Scheme.
The CM said that in the society number of properties are offered on lease by owners to others and hence none of the leaseholders would become property owners under any circumstances. CM questioned that while this is the case as far as every property is concerned, why should it be made applicable for farmers and put to them in trouble. The CM said that it is meaningless to demand that the Rythu Bandhu Scheme should be made applicable to tenant farmers and said that the argument is against all legal norms.
“The government is implementing the Rythu Bandhu scheme aiming at extending investment support of Rs. 8000 per acre to all the farmers in the state. This scheme is made applicable to every farmer without any discrimination. The Government has taken a policy decision for investment support to farmer for agriculture. Rs. 12,000 Crore have been allocated in the budget and the state assembly has appropriated this.
Accordingly, every farmer recognised by the government as the one who has ownership rights on the land gets the investment support. No one can find fault for this. However, some persons are demanding that the tenant should also be extended investment support. This demand is meaningless and there is no legality in this. The reason is there cannot be a clarity as to who is a tenant farmer. The government is also not having details of tenant farmers. No where in the official records there is a mention about details of Tenant farmers. Similarly, no farmer ever recognizes a tenant farmer. The so-called tenant farmers shall not have any right on the land.
What would be the basis to extend Investment support to such tenant farmer. There is a possibility that all and sundry may also demand for similar support, if so called tenant farmer who do not have any right on the land are provided with Investment support. The decision and the policy of the government to provide Investment support to the farmers is an issue linked with public money. Every rupee spent by the government should have the approval of the Assembly. There will be an audit to every expenditure. It is not possible to distribute money to everyone. Some people are arguing that those who have no right on the land and who do not possess any document to prove the right are also to be provided with Investment support. Legally this is not acceptable.
If money is paid from government treasury to any one who has no right on the land it becomes a fault. If the Government commits such mistake then it could be questioned. When everything is going smoothly and legally its not right and proper to find fault with the government” said the Honourable CM.
“It is not only the farmers but individuals from several sections lease out their properties to others. These include industries, factories, houses, autos, cars, function halls etc. These movable and immovable properties are leased out for a specified period.
Those who take them on lease cannot be called as owners and they do not possess any ownership rights. When we don’t raise a demand in case of all these sections why should there be a demand in case of farmers only?.
The farmer was put to a lot of hardship during the erstwhile governments. They were put to losses. In order to help such farmer, the government is implementing the Rythu Bandhu Scheme. It’s not proper to raise queries on such a scheme. On the name of tenant farmer is not correct to do injustice to actual farmer.
The farmer lets out his land to someone either for a single crop or for multiple crops. At times more than one person would also be given on lease. In such case, it is difficult for the Government to identify who exactly the tenant farmer. In fact, no farmer gives in writing his land for lease and in such a case it is difficult to identify the
exact tenant farmer. Hence the Rythu Bandhu scheme is absolutely for the farmer who is the owner of the land. It is impossible to agree the demand of some people to extend Investment support to the tenant farmer” said the CM.