Cyberabad CP VC Sajjanar said as there are almost 2 to 3 lakhs of Physical Security guards are working in Cyberabad there is need of creating a Nodal Agency which will maintain the data bank of all the Security Personnel so that the data related to their behaviour, criminal activities can be maintained in the data bank which any company can use for verification of the particular guard and if the report is negative company should not recruit such guard.
The Police Team will train all the Security Guards with Tactics and Intelligence. So that they can report back to the Police if any criminal activity found.
CCTV Cameras are helping to the maximum in solving the cases in shortest times and urged the requirement of installing more cameras in Cyberabad surrounding areas for which he requested the security Heads to try n get some donations under SCSC 80G Certificate – Tax Exemption. He added that in one and half year we have installed 85000 cameras and there is a need for another 115000 cameras.
He has asked the Security Heads to showcase the best practices of the organizations related to security measures they are taking like CCTV, Access Control System – Face Recognition, Number Plate Recognition Cameras, Signage Boards, etc., and said if any company needs Technical Assistance the Police team will help.
In reply to a query about the GO related to providing Transportation to Women Employees leaving the office after 8.00 PM, said he will request the Commissioner of Labor for the needful amendment.
Venkateshwar Rao, Madhapur DCP ( L&O ) said any incident / accident occurs whether inside or outside of the campus need to be reported to the nearest PS so that immediate action can be taken and minimize the damage. He said the Security Personnel can act as the Eyes of the Police and hence, all security personnel should get trained well and sensitized regularly.