No storm drains

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Hyderabad has been drowning from the days of Chandrababu as the CM.Several CMs up to KCR have ruled the state but one small rain can make it into cess pool. KTR toured the areas of Hyderabad during the rainy days and promised several things.

But nothing happened on the front of the drainage system. Hyderabad roads submerge under the rain water creating traffic snarls and sometime the water enters into the sedans as they are low-lying.

The drains get clogged day in and day out. Now the latest is that the Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has set June 4 the election counting day as deadline to prepare a comprehensive Disaster Management Plan for greater Hyderabad to address the flood related issues in the ensuing monsoon season.

The Chief Minister warned the officials of strict action if the brand Hyderabad image is ruined. In view of ensuing rainy season, the Chief Minister held a meeting with various department officials including Police, GHMC, Energy and sanitation at Central Command Station in the city .

He instructed the officials to create a Disaster Management System for Hyderabad Metropolis by bringing various departments under one umbrella. He asked officials to design a disaster management system by taking the entire area inside the Outer Ring Road (ORR) as a unit.

The Kabzas or land grabbing in and around water bodies and drains is said to be the main cause for the water clogging. The entry and exit points for the storm water are closed due to urban development and
that makes all the difference.

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