After imposing a series of restrictions in the recent Ganesh Utsav celebrations, now the YSRC Government led by Jagan is imposing restrictions on Dasara Navratrulu.
The Government has ordered that there will be no celebration outside in open and that the people have to go for the festival indoors. There is a system of installing Durga statues riding the tiger on the streets in Pandals like the Ganesh Utsav.
But Minister Botsa Satyanarayana has announced that keeping the Covid conditions and regulations in mind there will be no celebrations in the outdoors. Dasara is a very big festival for the Telugu people and it is now wise on the part of the Government to restrict the celebrations.
The people agitated on the roads for restricting the Ganesh idol installations, and now they will agitate for celebrating the Dasara in the basthis and colonies.
The police may not give permissions for the Durga statue installations in the streets. This goes against the will and wish of the people, especially the youth associations.