No right over kids

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These are the days when mom and day fight for the kids after getting separated. Now the issue is about the sperm and egg donors.

The court clarified that the donors have no rights over the kids generated by the donors. A sperm or egg donor has no legal right on the child and cannot claim to be its biological parent, the Bombay High Court held on Tuesday while allowing a 42-year-old woman visitation rights to her five-year-old twin daughters.

The woman, in her plea, said her daughters, born via surrogacy, were living with her husband and younger sister, who was the egg donor. The petitioner’s husband had claimed since his sister-in-law was the egg donor, she had a legitimate right to be called a biological parent of the twins and that his wife had no right over them.

However, the court said no to the rights claimed by the donor.There is chance that this case might go further to the higher court for justice.

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