No politics on TTD

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The AP Government has taken a decision that the people who give statements on the hill shrine should not make any political statements. The TTD will be cleansed in all aspects the CM Chandrababu said.

Om Namo Venkatesaya will be the only slogan that will be heard on the world-famous shrine the CM declared. This was the first Press meet that he was addressing after taking over as CM.

People will face the punishment if someone does things against Balaji he said. Srivani Trust tickets scam was going on and it will not continue he hindered.

The food quality at the Annaprasadam canteen will be developed he assured. People who committed mistakes will be taken to task he stated. The Chairman has already resigned and the EO was sent on leave.

Now a new Chairman will come from TDP and also a new EO will be appointed. All the rates must be reduced so that the pilgrims will be happy and that the commercial angle will get reduced.

The laddu rate, the room rent, the darshan ticket rate must come down as the TTD has huge funds that can be spent for the welfare of the pilgrims in general.

Clean and green should be implemented and the transport from Tirupathi to TTD must be affordable. The rush must come down at the canteens so that it is made available at various points.

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