No non-veg-No marriage

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The Non availability of non veg food is creating a lot of problems in  UP. The Yogi government is allowing only authorized slaughter houses in distribution of meat. With this problem several marriages are being cancelled.

Uttar Pradesh seems to be following a trend of cancelling weddings over food matters. A similar incident took place in the Kurmapur village of Unnao district where the groom’s side called off a wedding just because a relative demanded to have two rasgullas instead of one. People really do take their food seriously it seems, especially in Uttar Pradesh!
  No non-veg-No marriage
Uttar Pradesh has been battling with a poor supply of meat as a result of the stringent crackdown on illegal slaughterhouses by the newly elected Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Meat lovers and restaurateurs have been feeling the pinch of sky rocketing meat prices ever since.

In one of the recent marriages the groom’s side wasn’t really expecting an all-vegetarian menu and decided not to go ahead with the wedding when they learnt that no non-veg was served in the function.
             No non-veg-No marriage
Wedding celebrations at a small village called Kulhedi near Muzzafarnagar came to a standstill when the groom’s family created a ruckus over the unavailability of non-vegetarian food.

Rizvan was supposed to take Nagma as his lawfully wedded wife yesterday. After the panchayat was called, Rizvan’s family agreed to continue with the ceremonies but Nagma decided not to budge and refused to marry Rizvan.  In a dramatic change of plot, another man offered to marry Nagma and after her consent and panchayat’s approval the two tied the knot.

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