Yes it is Karthkamasam and there is very less consumption of non Veg in the state of Telangana. The rural people are taking better quantity when compared to the urban people.
The Sundays are also dry and there are no non-veg dishes in the marriage receptions. The reason is Karthikamasam and the Bhakti all the way.
However, the arrival of Karthika Masam appears to have reversed this trend, resulting in a decline in demand for chicken and meat across the city.
Local chicken shop owners highlighted the annual trend of reduced chicken demand during Karthika Masam.
Karthika Masam has affected the non -veg business. Meat consumption came down and prices also went down due to poor demand.
Every year, the demand for chicken drops during this period. The price fell significantly this year due to increased production but decreased demand.”
Market experts anticipate the prices to stabilise by the end of the Karthika month, suggesting a potential continuation of the current rates.