No breaks says TTD

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In the name of summer and VIPs rush the TTD board has announced the cancellation of break darsahns till the June end.

Tirumala Tirupati Devastanam (TTD) has cancelled break darshan at Tirumala till June 30 on (Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays) due to heavy rush of devotees to the temple following summer vacation, completion of elections and examinations for students.

The TTD took the decision to ensure hassle free darshan for devotees and cancelled break darshan till June 30 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. TTD will not accept the recommendation letters from devotees during this period.

But what the regular pilgrims say that money speaks on the hills. There are people who take money and make you stand before the god early in the morning.

You must have good money and right contacts to get the things done on the TTD. They can arrange you the hassle free darshan and accommodation apart from the Prasadam, Vada and other things in the name of others.

The chamchas of the Borad members and the PAs of the Present MPs can make things work in your favour. The only thing is that you must be ready with the figures that they speak.

But things might change after 4th once the results are out. The TDP and Sena members will have their say in the coming days after June 4. So till June 30th the people of YSRC will definitely have a field day and that could be the reasons they stopped the official break darshan.

Prudhivi of 30 years industry is already planning for the SVBC top post. This time Murali Mohan is aiming at the post of the TTD Chief in place of Bhumana.

Lets hope Babu after coming to power will take the right decision. We do not know where the Present chairman Bhumana is hiding.

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