NIRDPR Launched National Level Training of Trainers Program 

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 A national level Training of Trainers (ToT)  Program  for Localization of Sustainable Development Goals (LSDG)  has been inaugurated  today  at NIRDPR, Hyderabad  by Dr. Chandra Shekhar Kumar, IAS, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR)   Government of India
To deliver on SDGs at local level by the 2.54 lakh Gram Panchayats in the country, the expert committee constituted by the MoPR recommended 9 thematic areas along with 168 local targets and 389 indicators. Now the Gram Panchayats while formulating  the Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP), will have to  take  into account  the  local  contexts in the achievement of  SDGs  right  from  setting  targets to determining the means of implementation and using indicators to monitor the  progress.
 For Capacity Building & Training of Panchayats for LSDGs, NIRDPR has developed a training calendar to train 200 State Level Master Trainers (SLMT) in each theme in 40 batches @ 50 persons per batch. The first batch of ToT program on “Theme 1- Poverty Free & Enhanced Livelihoods Villages” is scheduled from 12 – 14 July 2022. A total number of 34   participants from four states viz., Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra are attending this program
At the outset, Dr.Anjan Kumar Bhanja, Faculty & Head, CPRDP&SSD, NIRDPR welcomed the participants and explained the back ground and objectives the training of the SLMTs..Especially he highlighted the thematic approach to GPDP . He also mentioned about the joint advisories issued by the 24 Ministries for  LSDG
Shri Shashi Bhushan, ICAS Deputy Director General, NIRDPR delivered the key note address.
He said the LSDG guidelines of MoPR provide the directions for identification and  prioritization of issues perceived by the local community, ideation of context specific solutions and better utilization of available funds through convergent action.  He hoped that this ToT program will develop a common understanding about their responsibilities in developing capacity of  trainers down the line through cascade mode
While inaugurating the program, the Additional Secretary, MoPR stated that NIRDPR will develop a portal for maintaining  the database of  SLMTs and to track the field level trainings conducted by them. He said  each Gram Panchayat  shall  take a  “Sankalp” on minimum one and maximum 3 themes to saturate on related goals in next 2-3 years
It is expected that this residential ToT Programme will enrich the resource persons  with substantial knowledge, skills and attitude, about the rationale and policy of thematic approach to mainstreaming of LSDGs in Panchayats. After  completion of  ToT of SLMTs, each  state  will  conduct cascading mode of trainings in  all  the districts   and deliver field training to Panchayat functionaries and other stakeholders on LSDG. The Panchayats being the nearest institutions to villagers will design and implement locally relevant policies aligned with  SDGs   for achieving  sustainable development  in rural  areas
The National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), Hyderabad  an autonomous organization under the Union Ministry of Rural  Development.  It  is a premier national centre of excellence in rural development and Panchayati Raj. Recognized internationally as one of the UN-ESCAP Centres of Excellence,
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