NIDHI for women

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Dr. Jitendra Singh recalled the guidance of Prime Minister Modi the Modi’s Startup India Stand up India Initiative under which in 2016 DST launched NIDHI.

Highlighting the essentiality he said, “NIDHI initiative was in response to a critical need identified within India’s innovation ecosystem to bridge the gap between our academic institutions and industry. As institutes were producing world-class research there was a need to translate these ideas into market-ready products.

He also emphasised on the early-industry linkage of StartUps for success. He guided that technological advancements with AI, Quantum Computing, and New Energy have the potential of innovation to transform today’s Bharat into Bharat of the future.

The Science and technology Minister traced back its journey since its inception in 2016 and remarked that DST’s Nidhi program plays a pivotal role in strengthening Startup Ecosystem and plays a crucial
role in nurturing a vast number of technology StartUps, of which a substantial proportion is led by women entrepreneurs.

Mentioning the details Dr. Singh said that the program offers a comprehensive stage-wise support structure that is tailored to the unique dynamics of academic environments. Through initiatives like the NIDHI Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) and NIDHI PRAYAS programs.

Dr. Jitendra Singh shared that these ventures have created numerous jobs and have led to a thriving culture of innovation, resulting in the generation of a substantial number of intellectual properties.

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