President of India Ramnath Kovind is all set to give away the National film awards this evening at Rashtrapathi Bhavan. But the latest news is that the President will have time for only 11 awardees to take the awards from his hand and the rest will be given by the Union Minister Smriti Irani.
More than 60 awardees were of the opinion that would be awarded by the President Kovind but he has some other engagements to attend this evening so the award function for him is to give 11 Awards only. The awardees have written to Smrithi that all the 60 members would like to get awarded by the President and if not they would boycott the function.
It is reported that even the 11 who are supposed to take the National film awards from the President may not attend the function for the sake of others. All others who were informed that they would take the award from Smrithi said that they were disheartened with the development. They have written a letter to the President and said that they will not attend the ceremony.