Muslim League approach by Congress

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PM Narendra Modi expressed his concerns about the Congress party’s stance on reservations, which became evident to him after they released their manifesto.

He recounted his reaction to the manifesto, describing it as a reflection of the Muslim League’s approach. The Congress party in its manifesto, ‘Nyay Patra’ released on April 5 mentioned that it will pass a constitutional amendment to raise the 50 per cent cap on reservations for SCs, STs and OBCs
. “This manifesto gave me another shock. And that’s why when I saw the first manifesto, my first thought was that this manifesto has the imprint of Muslim League.

So for two-three days they thought that there is no need to respond to this. When they did not give any answer, that is when I started opening up one by one.

For example, in this country, they say that we will also fix quota for minorities in sports. Today, children from Punjab are doing very well in the world of sports. Our youth in Bengal are doing very well in football.

Our youth in Uttar Pradesh are doing very well in athletics. The youth put in so much of hard work, they wake up at 4 in the morning. Congress says this will now go to the minority, so where will my hardworking young man go? What will happen to him?” PM Modi pointed out.

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