Musi and Metro development

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Once considered as a lifeline to Hyderabad city, the Musi River has now turned into a polluted canal.

Denizens of Hyderabad city and also old Nalgonda districts bore the brunt of the pollution emanating from the Musi river.

The Chief Revanth Reddy took the rejuvenation of Musi as a prestigious and committed to Musi riverfront development.

The CM already visited London and studied the Thames riverfront project there. The Chief Minister requested the centre to extend cooperation for Musi rejuvenation and take up development projects on the banks of river for the benefit of the local people.

CM Revanth also sought help from the union minister for the expansion of Metro Rail in the city. The CM discussed the expansion of metro rail services through the Old City of Hyderabad with the union minister and asked for assistance. The CM is keen on development of the old city in one way or the other. Construction of bridges on music river is another aspect of development.

The response from the Ministers was very positive for the state of Telangana. People are appreciating the way Revanth Reddy the CM has negotiated with the central Government.

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