Murali Mohan the actor and the real estate tycoon said that the Government never bothered about the Nandi Awards. The awards were prestigious but some of them have spoiled the show he opined. Last year the TDP government announced the awards but they were branded as Kamma awards. Meaning most of the Kamma caste people were awarded.
That was the reason the government could not hold the event and now the TDP lost the power. Now Murali Mohan sounded as if he was not part of the TDP Government he was an MP and was close to Chandrababu Naidu. But now Muraimohan sounded as if he was talking against the TDP.
Murali Mohan has some business interest with Chandrababu also in real estate. He was speaking at the Press meet Organised by Subbirami Reddy for TSR awards. The invitees who came to talk about the TRS awards got diverted to Nandi awards. Nandi awards for 3 years have been announced by the TDP earlier, but were not presented as most of the Kammas were rewarded by the announcement.
Even the Telangana Government is yet to make an announcement over the awards this time. But it the responsibility of the Governments of Telugu states to recognise the artists now and then so that they are encouraged.