MP Avinash father Bhaskar arrested

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YSRC MP Avinash Reddys’ father YS Bhaskar Reddy was arrested by the CBI this morning from his house at Pulivendula in connection with former MP Vivekananda Reddy’s murder case.

He will be produced before the CBI court this afternoon in Hyderabad. His son Avinash who is the cousin brother of CM YS Jaganmohan Reddy is also one of the accused in the murder case.

Bhaskar Reddy is being produced before the CBI judge as the main conspirator behind the murder of Vivekananda. So far Avinash did not come out of his house after his father was arrested by the CBI.

There are whispers around that Avinash will also get arrested soon. There is a talk that the CBI went to the house of Avinash in Hyderabad first.

The security people at Avinash’s house said that no one came to arrest Avinash. The CBI has used Googletake evidence in this connection and there is no way out for Bhaskar Reddy and others.

The court has ordered that the case must be closed by the end of this month. Now it is almost established that the family members and friends of Avinash have killed Vivekananda.

The people in Pulivendula know who has killed Viveka, but the CBI has been groping in the dark for the last two years. Avinesh and his associates have been trying their level best to wriggle out of the case.

They tried to blame the daughter of Vivekananda and also the TDP Chief Chandrababu in this connection. They say that the reasons behind this are both political and also personal.

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