Modi shaken-wants to talk to MLAs

narendra modi
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The Congress strategy to join hands with the local political parties is gaining momentum by the day. The BJP Jodi of Modi and Shah now want to talk to every BJP MLA in the country via Namo App. They want to find out what actually is going wrong and how to set the things right in the coming elections.

Coming to the by-poll results some BJP leaders are of the opinion that local issues, caste, creed, community and the candidate take precedence over national issues in by-polls and thus these results won’t have any impact on government in states and the Centre.

The BJP leaders now have decided that they cannot take anything for granted and that it is not right to put the whole burden on a single man that is Modi the Prime Minister. The Congress is ready to sacrifice and give the power to other parties at the cost of making BJP lose the election in the process.

Image result for Modi namo app

It is already reaching out to Maya and Kejriwal. The JDS and the Congress have already tied up for the coming polls in 2019. One way or the other the entire opposition is ganging up against the BJP. While the Congress is trying to weave a common platform, there is a talk of the third front with Pranabada as the PM candidate.

KCR the Telangana leader is also for a federal front against the BJP and Congress. But a majority of the parties say that it won’t work without Congress.

All this activity is keeping the BJP on its toes. Modi’s meetings are working but not to the level required. They are coming to the tape, but unable to hit the tape in the end. Karnataka is the latest example.

We have to wait and see as to how the BJP would sail through the coming days and form the Government in the next election.

u srinivas



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