The state BJP led by Dr Laxman is sandwiched like earlier times. Even times of United Andhra they were in Dilemma as they could not attack the TDP. TDP was supporting the BJP Government at the centre. The state BJP was forced to support to then TDP under Chandrababu.
Now more or less they are in a similar picquant situation. They point out that the state Government failed on several front here in Telangana, but the central Ministers including the Prime Minister Modi give a certficate that the TRS Government under KCR was doing a great Job. The centre wants to replicate the schemes like Mission Bagheeradha and Kakatiya in all the states.
Under these circumstances it is very difficult for the BJP to point out TRS here. Moreover there are only 4 leaders here in Telangana working for the BJP and some times as usual Venkaiah Naidu chips in here and there.
Venkaiah is also having very good relations both official and personal with KCR. With these conditions how can they go against KCR? They want to become an alternative to TRS here by 2019 which is near to impossible.
We can see most of the MLAs in the BJP trying to please KCR to get the things here in Hyderabad.
It could be double bed room sanctions, land issues and other things. They also cannot go directly against the KCR and TRS. Political pundits say if not today, later the TRS is bound to join the government at the centre and that they are offering two central ministers posts to the TRS.
Dattatreya the Union Minister also cannot go directly against the TRS as KCR and all the family members give lot of respect to him. He also for the development of Telangana.
Taking all this into consideration, BJP has no scope to become an alternative to TRS by 2019.