Modi on 12th KCR on 17nth

kcr modi
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Both TRS and BJP will lock horns this month at Parade grounds on different dates in the name of a Public meeting. PM Modi will launch some works in Secunderabad Railway station and then address a huge rally of the party at Parade Grounds.

After that KCR would address a mammoth rally here in Scunderabd at the same venue.
Both leaders are poised to talk with the elections in mind.

If KCR goes in for early elections in April-May next year, the situation would become dicey for Congress and BJP as they would have little time to mobilize men and resources.

Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is scheduled to address public meetings in various districts. Though BJP seems to be poll ready to some extent, the Congress is yet to get its act Union Home Minister Amit Shah recently said that the BJP will form the government in Telangana.

But for this, the party needs popular leaders in at least 80-85 Assembly constituencies. In the present context, the BJP needs more than 50-55 candidates of considerable following to give a tough fight to the ruling TRS.

Compared to the BJP, the grand old party is better off as it has candidates in many constituencies who include former ministers, MPs, and MLAs.

However, with a lack of coordination among the leaders, the Congress party is not able to inspire the people. Many of its leaders are leaving for greener political pastures.

The MIM is planning to contest in around 50 seats this time. This will help the TRS in winning the seats as the MIM would be taking the Congress and the BJP votes.

Sharmila will take the Christian votes to some extent, and this also makes a dent in the Congress vote Bank. Praveen Kumar will also take SC,ST votes cutting into the Congress votes.

All this will ensure the victory of the BRS again.

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