Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao gave a call to develop Telangana villages as model villages in the country in such a way that others will emulate from Telangana. He called for implementing the 30-day action plan successfully. CM expressed the hope that after completion of 30-day action plan the topography of the villages should change for better and the festival Dussera should be celebrated in cleanly atmosphere. CM said that as part of bringing a qualitative change in the villages the government has devolved powers, funds and responsibilities to the village panchayats. He said that not only for the villages but also for the Zilla Parishads and Mandal Parishads these were devolved. He said the responsibility to make a success of 30-day action plan lies with the villagers. He said that every villager should turn in to a real hero of that village and by offering sramadan develop villages wherever necessary. He expressed confidence that if only people and their representatives work together with commitment, then the development of villages is certain. CM said that the government wishes that the process should be a continuous one and a beginning has to be made with 30-day action plan.
He said that he is pleading with folded hands that the collectors should take lead and lead the action plan implementation and along with them the Panchayat Raj officers should work with commitment. CM said that to assist Collector government would soon appoint special officers with deputy collector rank and for Panchayat Raj exclusively there would be one such officer. CM said the way he thinks that he is the chief public servant of the state, officers also should have the same feeling at their respective levels.