MLC Mahendar reddy becomes Kodali for Telangana

mahender reddy
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Like Kodali Nani, TRS MLC Mahendar Reddy was heard abusing the CI of police yesterday. Mahendar abused the CI in a filthy language and he is viral on the web now.

The police filed a case against Mahendar and this is not the first time for Mahendar.

CI Rajender could not be reached as his official phone was switched off. The TS Police Officers Association also condemned Mahender Reddy’s unacceptable language in the matter.

Meanwhile, followers of Rohith Reddy lodged a complaint against Mahender Reddy, stating that the MLC insulted them by addressing them as rowdy sheeters during the telephonic conversation with the CI.

Following this, followers of Rohith Reddy and the MLC clashed in the town.

Mahendar alleged that the CI was involved in the sand business. The CI was heard urging the MLC to talk properly.

But Mahendar dared the CI to record his talk.

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