Mission Bageeratha is distribution clean and pure potable water to about 55 lakh homes in the state of Telangana said Smitha Sabharwal the secretary of the Chief Ministers office who is also looking after the Mission Bageeratha program.
The Officer from the CMO, Smitha expressed her satisfaction that there was no need for tankers in the summer, as the water was reaching the homes. earlier in summers women used to run from pillar to post for tanker water she stated. Smitha had a review meeting with the officers of Mission Bageeratha and said that the officers must see that the program was implemented more efficiently.
She said that the program was a smart performer and that it has to be done more efficiently and effectively. There is no state in the country which is able to give clean potable water to so many house holds she said.
Smitha complimented the official that the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao was very happy with the progress and also the implementation of the scheme here in the state.
Smitha said that so far the monsoon was weak and wanted the officials to find out if any of the districts was having the potable water issues. The officials must see to it there is no water issue in the state of Telangana Smitha explained. The scheme was also appreciated by the PM Modi in his visit to the state during his first term. Many central ministers also have praised the good work of the Telangana Government and the Chief Minister KCR in this regard.