Hyderabad Metro and Ramoji Film City have partnered for running feeder services to Ramoji Film City from Nagole and LB Nagar Metro stations on Saturdays and Sundays. “This initiative will help tourists visiting Hyderabadand also natives to Hyderabad to visit Ramoji Film City using metro travel in the city” said Mr NVS Reddy, MD, HMRL.
The services were flagged off by Mr Anil Kumar Saini COO, L&T Metro and Mr Rajeev Jalnapurkar, CEO, Ramoji Film City on 2nd Nov 2019 at Nagole metro station. The services are free for a month and people can visit All Miles app and Nagole/LBNagar station for more details. Right now Metro is very popular with the commuters due to RTC strike. All the routes of Metro are busy these days with heavy passengers inflow. We can see all the metro stations filled with commuters and waiting for the trains.