Mamata didi rally in Modis Varanasi

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Mamata Banerjee the West Bengal CM and the Trinamool Chief is gearing up for a mammoth rally in Varanasi the constituency of the Prime Minister in March.

KCR the CM of Telangana will attend the Rally along with Tamilnadu CM Stalin it is reported. Kejriwal and other like-minded leaders who wish to go against Modi will attend the rally it will be a curtain-raiser for the next elections and also the Anti-Modi campaign.

KCR is already projecting Modi as a corrupt man and wants to pull down the Modi Government. But there is already a talk that Mamata is hand in glove with Modi.

There is also a talk that Jagan and KCR are also with Modi from the backdoor side. How far the people will believe them has to be seen. At the same time, Mamata is against Congress, and KCR is inching towards Congress.

Which way is Congress looking right now has to be seen. Prashant Kishore the poll strategist is also unhappy with the Congress as he was not given the post of General secretary.

Mamata is not taking Prashant into confidence these days. Right now Modi and the team are busy with the UP elections. The MIM mantra is now working for the BJP and people in UP are with Akhilesh this time.

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