Venkaiah Naidu the former Vice President of India suggested that movie makers must make family-oriented movies that would give a good message to society.
Only commercial values should not be the criteria for making the movie he suggested the makers. He was addressing the 50-year career celebrations of actor and realtor Murali Mohan.
He gave some examples of the family-oriented movie like Vaaralabbai where Murali Mohan acted as the hero. Venkaih was awarded with Padma Vibhushan by the BJP Government.
Venkaiah suggested that as you grow in life and attain success, one must remain grounded. He complimented Murali Mohan for his disciplined life.
At the same time, Muralimohan at the age of 83 still looks young and always smiling he complimented.
Venkaiah also praised Chandrababu the former CM who was instrumental in laying the foundation for the development of Hyderabad in particular.
Venkaiah gave some examples with the titles of movies which were all family-oriented and spread happiness among the community in particular.
Movies should not spoil society he suggested.