Ram Gopal Varma popular as RGV stated that he did Sarkar and Kshana Kshnam with all the liking. He did not even name Shiva which is still talked about in the film industry.
Ram Gopal Varma says that only Kshana Kshanam and Sarkar in his career have the perfect storyline and the ideal actors he thought of. In all other films, RGV did not want to do with a certain hero.
RGV worked with Mani Ratnam the ace film-maker but says that they both don’t like each other style of working. RGV branded RRR as a gay movie and also calls it a Circus.
But Keeravani did not like the comments made by RGV over the RRR movie. RGV who recently a dud called Konda could be making money, but is not making any hit movies.
He is doing whatever he likes. That means he made all the movies for the sake of making and without any liking. RGV even told that he made movies without even having a story or script.