The Congress and the BJP leaders who lost the Assembly elections miserably are gearing up to contest for the Lok Sabha polls it is learnt. Kishan Reddy the BJP leader who lost with just a slender margin is getting ready to contest for the coming Lok Saha polls from Secunderabad in April. Komatireddy and Revanth Reddy from the Congress are also getting ready for the Parliamentary polls from Telangana.Even Dr Laxman the BJP President is trying to get ready for the coming general election it is reported. There are 17 parliament seats in Telangana and one goes to MIM in the form of Hyderabad.
The TRS is claiming for the rest of 16 seats. In fact, KTR is starting his tour from Warangal this month for the next elections soon after he took over as the Working president of the party.Even Aruna the Congress leader from Mahabubnagar might contest the Lok Sabha polls it is reported. But how far they will succeed is the question.The next 3 months are crucial for the people who would want to contest the Lok Sabha polls. The TRS MLAs and leaders have slogged for 3 months and got good results for Assembly elections. Now they have to work for another 3 to 4 months for the parliament elections.