Long life with Lemon water

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Drinking lemon water is good for health in many ways.

For centuries, lemons were highly regarded for treating scurvy a now rare condition that can develop through a lack of vitamin C .

Vitamin C is often claimed to support the immune system however, studies remain inconclusive. although vitamin C did not prevent otherwise healthy people from catching the common cold, it may shorten the duration of symptoms, and it may halve the common cold risk in people exposed to short periods of extreme physical stress.

Some has linked vitamin C and flavonoids, which are protective compounds found in citrus fruit, to improvements in skin condition. Vitamin C is known to help the body produce collagen, which contributes to the integrity of the skin.

Interestingly, a study shows citrus based juice drink may help prevent the damaging effects that lead to premature skin aging in mice.

Some people find drinking a glass of lemon water, particularly first thing in the morning, aids digestive regularity. Although this is mainly subjective and reports are anecdotal, studies on mice do show some promise.

A study suggested that life-long consumption of a drink rich in lemon polyphenols appeared to delay the age-related changes seen in the gut, including changes in the balance of beneficial gut bacteria.

The citric acid present in lemon juice may help prevent kidney stones caused by a build-up and the extra fluid from the water may help maintain hydration and flush out potential stones.

Generally safe for most people, there are a couple of considerations if you choose to drink lemon water.

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