Lokesh fails in personality test

Lokesh fails in personality test
Lokesh fails in personality test
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Lokesh failed in Personality test as predicted. He has openly admitted that he failed in the test. Thomas Company held the Personality Analysis Examination.

Each of the Leaders was asked to answer 24 Questions appearing on their Tablets. How they respond depending on the situation & their reactions whenever they are under immense pressure have been analyzed.

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Defects in the individuals will be pointed out by the Experts based on their answers. A detailed analysis was sent to each one of the leaders through email.

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Nara Lokesh the son of AP CM admitted, he came to know about few defects after attending the examination. ‘A conscious attempt would be made to rectify them at the earliest. I am undergoing training offered by a Psychologist,’ he said.

Being a public figure there is every need for Lokesh to mend his way of talking. Being a Minister the people expect a lot from him.

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