Lockdown or work from home in Delhi!

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When the entire country is coming out of the work from home concept, the centre and states should consider work-from-home for their employees in and around Delhi and farmers should be persuaded to not burn farm waste to cut down pollution, the Supreme Court said today, as it took up the capital’s air quality crisis.

Delhi may go for the work from the home concept so that there will be less vehicular pollution on the roads. The Supreme Court wanted the central Government to convene an emergency meeting of the state to stop the smog across the country.

The state must control the farmers to see that they don’t burn the agricultural waste which is resulting in heavy air pollution across the country in many states.

The Delhi government in its reply to the Court said that it is ready to take steps like complete lockdown to control local emissions.

However, such a step would be meaningful if it is implemented across the NCR areas in neighbouring states.

Given Delhi’s compact size, a lockdown would have limited impact on the air quality regime,”. But will the centre agree for a lockdown has to be seen?

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